Rebecca made it home from the hospital today. She took the last antibiotic this morning so maybe the diarrhea will stop. She ate a ¼ cup of jello today. That is more than she ate yesterday.
I had to get prescriptions filled today after we got home. On the third try I found a pharmacy that had all the medicines but not the full quantity. So I have to go back in a few days and get the rest of them.
She is going to try to quit the oxycodone since she has not had any in 10 days and should be over the withdrawals. She didn’t seem to have much pain today. We do have some hydrocodone if she needs it. She hasn’t had any in 48 hours.
She has some inhalers for COPD. She had been a heavy smoker for over 30 years. She has not smoked in 10 days and is going to try to quit. She seems to be more serious this time since she knows her lungs are damaged.
Not Dead Yet
5 years ago
Jerry, keep up the good work. Please pass on our love and prayers to Becky. Hank