Monday, April 25, 2011

Platelets Continue to Drop

Her platelets are at 20 today. She received the two bags of red blood cells yesterday. That perked her up quite a bit. They did remove the nasal tube yesterday which felt much better. Her stomach and bowels seem to be doing okay today so they are letting her go home today.

We will go to the doctors office tomorrow to get the blood checked for the falling platelets. Hopefully they will start to recover before she needs a transfusion of them. Platelets have a life span of 5 to 10 days. At the rate they are decreasing it appears her bone marrow is not producing many.

If she had not taken this cycle of chemo treatment we would not have had all these issues including the emergency room visit and hospital stay. I hope the Melphalan and Dex did some damage to the myeloma cells. This is the catch 22 of cancer treatment. Do you want to die from the treatment or the cancer? Would you rather have two years of life fighting the cancer resulting in low quality of life or one year of life without chemo and a better quality of life?


  1. Hoping Rebecca feels much better. Yes, sometimes it does seem the cure is worse than the ailment. No easy way with this MM nonsense.

  2. Thank you, I have followed your blog since this happened to my wife. I hope your husband stays in remission for a long time.

  3. So sorry Rebecca is having so much trouble.

    With Bob, it hasn't been the MM.....but the side-effects of everything else. Of course, I always understand that the MM is the root of all the trouble.

    Keeping your Rebecca in my prayers.
