Friday, April 2, 2010

2 April 2010 Chemo Day

Rebecca had chemo today and 1 week ago. She has been having more back pain the last 3 weeks. She may have refractured some of the vertebrae that already had compression fractures.

Here are some of her blood labs from 26 March:
WBC = 4.1
RBC = 3.36
HGB = 12.2
PLT = 90
Creatinine = 1.2
GFR = 46
Albumin = 3.5
IgG 452 mg/dl (700 - 1600
IgA 51 mg/dl (70 - 400)
IgM 12 mg/dl (40 - 230)
IEP - No monoclonal band identified.
Kappa Free Light Chains 9.24 mg/l (3.3 - 19.4)
Lambda Free Light Chains 8.67 mg/l (5.7 - 26.3)
Kappa/Lambda FLC ratio 1.07 (0.26 - 1.65)

1 comment:

  1. Jerry - I encourage you to post your blog on "Myeloma Planet," a collection of many myeloma blogs. Good luck and best wishes to you and your wife in this battle.

